Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Justice League Great White North?

In this reboot of DC Comics has planned for September we are hear a plan for more diversity among the characters in the titles, but so far there is one group of people far to under represented as far as I can tell, and that group is Canadians. Now yes I am a proud Canadian and I love this land I call home, in fact it is the primary focus of what I study, but I’m not here to talk about that. No I am here to talk about the lack of Canadian characters in the current pantheon of characters over in the DC Universe. Yes DC dose have some Canadian characters, at last count I could recall 2; Flying Fox and that Shadow Mountie guy that James Robinson is used in the first issue of his current Eclipso story in Justice League of America. Canada isn’t this perfectly polite little country that people like to depict it as, Canada does have crime it’s just not as bad as the U.S. because we don’t have the same population. We all don’t watch hockey, all our police aren’t Mounties, we aren’t all lumber jacks, we don’t all live in igloos, we don’t drink maple syrup, we are how ever very similar to Americans. Now yes our countries and cultures are different we still take in the same media. DC I have a question for you, on same day release as the states, what’s your largest market out side of the U.S.? My guess would be Canada, come on we are right above you, we are you closest largest foreign, and your first ever favorite trading partner. Now I say all this about Canada and the U.S. because I feel as if we need to be shown acknowledgement for our importance to you. Marvel has a whole slue of Canadian characters; two of which are probably two of the biggest names for Marvel; Wolverine and Deadpool. Well over in the DC Universe you have to start to wonder if Canada even exists in the books, and I feel this reboot would be the perfect time to right this wrong. Now I’m not saying go all over board and that DC should create their own version of Alpha Flight but that they could used this reboot to maybe give a slight birth place tweak to a major character and/or a hand full of minor characters. There is no reason for DC to come up with Canada Man, but what about a Snow Owl? It could be the Toronto based member of Batman Inc. Or like I said change of birthplace, why not make it so Victor Stone a.k.a. Cyborg be born in Vancouver. Heck they could even have a western story take place for a couple of issue in Alberta since old west Alberta had strong tie to America (I should know, the town I live in has still got an American Fort in it) as well as had a prominent railway line (also know a lot about that his my town is known primarily for its train bridge). Now come on writers of DC do you want Canada to be something that you loose Marvel, or do you want to draw a line in the sand and take this market as your? As a Canadian I ask that you don’t let the only representation of Canadians in comic books be; Wolverine, Deadpool, Alpha Flight, and the Windigoes. Through retooling and new ideas we could build a bigger brighter future for Canadians in your universe.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Little Note

Just a little note on what I pulled out of the old short boxes for this weeks read:
-Wolverine Origins #1-10
-Giant-Size Ms. Marvel
-Ms. Marvel #1-8
-Spider-Man Saga #1-4

Should be fun reads, next weekend going to look through to see which Maximum Carnage books I'm missing, if any, then give that a read.

Crisis of the 52 Titles

Earlier this week DC Comics announced that they will be rebooting the franchise once the Flashpoint event wraps up. Now I didn't really want to talk about this reboot since I was really ticked off by it when they announced it, but then the idea started to grow on me. There is a lot for exciting change and new stories. Now I realized this wont change the fact that stories are being written for trades, but I feel we could actually see stories having meaning and consequence, which means no more event and then its Tuesday. This could be the dawning of a brand new day in DC Comics (I mean no implications by saying "brand new day" I don't even really read Spider-man, but I'm going to be giving it a try) one where the actions of say Blackest Nights was felt for years in the comic universe instead of barely mentioned in its spin off. Plus we get to see tweaked or even all new origins for some of our favorite characters, but please no more Thomas Wayne as Batman after Flashpoint.

After seeing the title s that DC has announced so far I'm have to say that I am excited for majority of them, there are some that I just don't care for the character but are interested in the team making it. How can you go wrong with the teams on; Justice League, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Firestorm, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Justice League International, Mister Terrific, Captain Atom, DC Universe Presents, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern: The New Guardians, and Red Lanterns.

So come on we can all think of the terrible things to happen with this reboot, but lets look to the positive. Where would comic books be today if DC didn't do its reboot with Crisis on Infinite Earths? Where would comic books be if Marvel didn't make events like Civil War or Secret Invasion has consequence? Lets look forward to the bright future of comic books we have coming before us in September, and if it ends up being terrible we could always see DC just saying these were the events on Earth- give a random number between 2 and 52.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Fell in to a Burning Ring of Work Days

I think for the time being I'm going to try to make sure I blog when I can and I have something to blog about, because I'm finding it to hard to blog out of nothing these days. I am currently working roughly 82 hours a week and I'm burning out fast. I don't get much sleep since there's to much noise going on at work (yes I get paid to sleep, but no its not good pay) and in the day I've got to pack a weeks worth of house stuff into two 12 hour periods, its getting exhausting. I do want to write up a couple of things about Green Lantern, X-men, Black Panther, and this DC restart, but it will just have to be in time. Most days/nights I don't have the mental fortitude to express my thoughts, or even come up with thoughts. I will still try to get the random weekend post in, but for now I'm leaving it up in the air as to when and if something gets posted.