Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Top 5 Comics (05-08-13)

My oh my its been another week already? I had so many plans for post between last weeks Top 5 Comics and this weeks, but that didn't happen. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep moving on work to do better next time. Anyways lets go look at some comics. Now this week, again it's a week I'm not super thrilled with, but let's get to them anyways. (Side note, right now while I'm writing this I'm on painkillers for  a head injury that occurred at work, so things might get weird here.)

5. The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horrors #4 (IDW): I've been a fan of the Rocketeer groups of mini series' since Mark Waid started them, and this series has been fairly good too. This is it's final issue, and then after this we will be getting the Rocketeer and The Spirit crossover, which should be amazing.

4. Thor: God of Thunder #8 (Marvel Comics): It's Jason Aaron writing Thor. The Godbomb story might be the conclusion of the God Butcher story, if so that's okay and if not that's okay too. The story has been great so far, and in this one we might meet Thor's possible daughters? I have some feeling that this title might have something to do with Infinity in a few months, but I could be wrong too. It could just be Aaron's other title that will play into that event. Either way this is a great read.

3. Uncanny Avengers #8 (Marvel Comics): Let the Age of The Apocalypse Twins begin. I'm just constantly curious in seeing where this series goes. It reminds me a lot Uncanny X-Force, but I don't know there's just something that isn't clicking with it. Still keeping with tho, there is still that hook for me that is drawing me in.

2. Batman and Red Hood #20 (DC Comic): I'm just starting to read this title after a conversation with one of the employees at my LCS. So lets see how this goes. Maybe I'll post a follow up later on about this.

1. Avengers #11 (Marvel Comics): Its Jonathan Hickman. Its Avengers. It has been AMAZING. And this is leading up to Infinity in some way, plus we just get more fun little one shots that give us more info into whats going with the transformed areas or what AIM has planned for what they took. Just give me more of this title already.

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