Friday, April 20, 2012

Plans for the blog, plus my list of goals

                On April 30th I plan on trying to make this blog a week daily blog just about what’s going on in my life or about what’s on my mind at the time of the post. As well, a little over a month ago I started making a list of things I would like to achieve in my life, so on this this blog I will be chronicling my journey of trying to complete this list, as well whenever I update the list I will be putting that up on here too. So with that said here is the current forty-five item list of things I would like to do in my life:

1.     Go back to NYC
2.      Move to NYC for at least a month
3 .      Visit the Stone Pony/Asbury Park
4.       Go to SDCC
5.       Have sex on my birthday
6.       Road trip across North America
7.       Lose weight
8.       Eat a animal that could eat me
9.       Get a post-secondary degree
10.   Visit Europe
11.   Get driver’s license
12.   Meet more people
13.   Build up my confidence
14.   Meet Chris Sides
15.   Go to a NHL game (completed)
16.   Meet Justin Vactor
17.   Shoot a cb radio and say “boring conversation anyways”
18.   When a girlfriend says “I love you” reply “I know”
19.   When I say “I love you” girlfriend replies “I know”
20.   Go to New Zealand and do a LotR tour
21.   Maintain a week daily blog for at least a year
22.   Go to Russia
23.   Maintain a romantic relationship for at least a year
24.   Go to London
25.   Write a sci-fi novel
26.   Get to 1,000 followers on twitter
27.   Learn to play the banjo
28.   Learn to play Racquetball
29.   See Bruce Springsteen in concert
30.   See Bruce Springsteen in concert in NY or NJ
31.   Go to NYCC again
32.   Learn to curl
33.   Move out of Alberta
34.   Cosplay as Hawkeye in Marvel/M*A*S*H up
35.   Own a nice globe
36.   Own a nice bar set
37.   Own a nice globe bar set
38.   Go on tour of NBC/30 Rock
39.   Be in the audience of SNL or a late night talk show
40.   Meet Hunter Camp (Completed)
41.   Get a 9-5 office job
42.   Go to a comic con with a girlfriend (romantic)
43.   Learn to play the upright bass
44.   Cook a meal for girlfriend (romantic)
45.   Find that special someone and fall in love

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