Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A New Frontier of Comics

            Pretty much five years ago today I attended my first comic convention, it was the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo which I just attended for the fifth year in a row (but more on that another time). Well at this con I was looking at some trades/graphic novels, this was before I really got into comic books (not like how I am today), and well I was looking I found the two paperbacks of DC: The New Frontier. Something about it just called to me, probably was something to do with the art and that classic Silver Age look.  I bought those two paperbacks and I just fell in love with it. I was still so new to comics, and most if not all my comic book knowledge came from the cartoons, so I had no idea who characters like; The Losers, Slam Bradley, The Challengers of the Unknown, or anyone else that didn’t show up in the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited cartoons. I now pretty much end up doing a reread of this story every year, each time I pick up more and more of the depths of the Silver Age history Darwyn Cooke has put into this story. I love this story, to the point that if I come across an edition of it that I need to buy it right away. Last year I purchased the Absolute Edition of it, and the art in in just lends itself to the to that format so well that it is almost too distracting and beautiful to read. I really think that this story and its art has cemented in for me a love of the more classic & simplistic art style that also we see in some of the animation styles of a not so long gone time. Of course that being said Darwyn Cooke couldn’t get work in the comic book industry for a long time because of that very reason, and so he went into cartooning. As I was saying earlier that I do purchase all editions of this story that I don’t already own, and just this weekend I finally was able to get my hands on the single issues of it. I’m so proud of owning them, I’m proud of having every edition I have. And as I’m writing this I’m watching the DVD. I also strongly think this is the story that made me become a diehard Justice League fan, not just the cartoon or comic book, but the concept of the Justice League and the DC pantheon that it is made of. Below are the images of my collection of DC: The New Frontier.
 (My first copies of DC: The New Frontier)
 (The beautiful Absolute Edition)
 (The wonderfully produced, animated, & voice acted DVD)
(The single issues that I picked up just this past weekend at Calgary Expo)

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