Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Haunts my Head

I’m very sad and very lonely. I’m sad at night when the day is at its end and I realize that it’s another day that I’m alone. Then I get to think that I’ll always be alone and no one will ever love me, because up to this point so far no one has. I’ve dated, I’ve had relationships, but I’m still just this alone loser. Ninety percent of my life, if not more, has been spent alone. I know if I could be given the opportunity I would make a great boyfriend for some lady… or at least I thought that. Now, I’m not too sure. I’m a fat loser, always have been. I’m boring and undesirable no woman would “crave” me. Who could blame them for that? I’m just a fat guy with nothing to offer, or at least that’s what I’ve been broken down to think. I feel like I’m doing something wrong for wanting to feel loved. Growing up I’ve always been a person people didn’t want to be around, & now that I’ve been trying to date it just feels like that even more. I tried online dating, & if get a response & the girl goes out with me I feel like they just kind of regret ever agreeing to go out with me once they’ve actually seen me in person. Anyways enough bitching for tonight, I’m going to go cry myself to sleep and hope tomorrow is a little better. Doubtful, but still need the hope.

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