Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Top 5 Comics (01-09-13)

It's time for some comics! Are you ready for some comics? It don't matter if you aren't because here is some comic smackdown for you!

5. Action Comics #16 (DC Comics): This issue gets us even closer to the conclusion of Grant Morison's run on Superman in Action Comics. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything plays out in the end, and in the months episode we see the return of Superdoom. The last time we saw Superdoom was back in the Earth 23 issue where President Superman sent him back into the multiverse.

4. Thor: God of Thunder #4 (Marvel Comics): If what the solicits say to be true even a god king fall, and in this issue King Thor falls to the Butcher. What does this mean for the series and story arc?

3. Earth 2 #8 (DC Comics): The Furies! Steppenwolf! The last of the Amazons! This just sounds like good times to my ears. Could this be the introduction to one of my favourite characters, Big Barda, to the New 52. Even if it isn't we are getting more about Apokolips and that is just good times to me.

2.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan #1 (IDW): Demons, ninjas, and the origins of the Shedder and the Foot Clan. The main series has been amazing, and all the micro-series issues have been great too. I'm looking forward to see how this mini-series plays out.

1. Sweet Tooth #40 (DC Comics): This has been one of my all time favourite series in comics. Nothing but love for this title and the work Jeff Lemire has done on it. This was the first non-superhero comic series I ever read and I fell in love. This issue is the final chapter of the series, and as much as I don't want to see this title end I'm looking forward to see how this all concludes.

(A little reminder of where this title has come from and where it has gone)

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