Monday, May 20, 2013


It is time for me to pack up my bags and head somewhere else. I'm dropping the inconsistent posting here and moving to somewhere else. Right now, I'm moving the blog over to and would love for all of you too follow me over there. I plan on continuing with my top 5 list, but hopefully doing more as thing allow me to do so. Anyways I'm rambling, so... so long Justin League International

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Top 5 Comics (05-08-13)

My oh my its been another week already? I had so many plans for post between last weeks Top 5 Comics and this weeks, but that didn't happen. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep moving on work to do better next time. Anyways lets go look at some comics. Now this week, again it's a week I'm not super thrilled with, but let's get to them anyways. (Side note, right now while I'm writing this I'm on painkillers for  a head injury that occurred at work, so things might get weird here.)

5. The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horrors #4 (IDW): I've been a fan of the Rocketeer groups of mini series' since Mark Waid started them, and this series has been fairly good too. This is it's final issue, and then after this we will be getting the Rocketeer and The Spirit crossover, which should be amazing.

4. Thor: God of Thunder #8 (Marvel Comics): It's Jason Aaron writing Thor. The Godbomb story might be the conclusion of the God Butcher story, if so that's okay and if not that's okay too. The story has been great so far, and in this one we might meet Thor's possible daughters? I have some feeling that this title might have something to do with Infinity in a few months, but I could be wrong too. It could just be Aaron's other title that will play into that event. Either way this is a great read.

3. Uncanny Avengers #8 (Marvel Comics): Let the Age of The Apocalypse Twins begin. I'm just constantly curious in seeing where this series goes. It reminds me a lot Uncanny X-Force, but I don't know there's just something that isn't clicking with it. Still keeping with tho, there is still that hook for me that is drawing me in.

2. Batman and Red Hood #20 (DC Comic): I'm just starting to read this title after a conversation with one of the employees at my LCS. So lets see how this goes. Maybe I'll post a follow up later on about this.

1. Avengers #11 (Marvel Comics): Its Jonathan Hickman. Its Avengers. It has been AMAZING. And this is leading up to Infinity in some way, plus we just get more fun little one shots that give us more info into whats going with the transformed areas or what AIM has planned for what they took. Just give me more of this title already.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Top 5 Comics (05-01-2013)

I was going to write up a top 5 review for this week, but due to me having to go out of town for a doctors appointment I just wasn't able to until now. So while I was trying to pick out comics for this week I could only see two title that I'm actually excited for, and one I'm interested in by its cover but have been really disappointed in reading the title so far. I'm getting more comics, but I'm just kinda blah about them. The creative teams are broken, or I'm just behind on them, or just something else. So for the three title I'm giving you this week are:

3. Age of Ultron #7 (Marvel Comics): This title has been so frustrating. I don't know, it just doesn't work for me, but I keep reading it for some reason. Hopes of Marvel Man showing up in the end, a tease of Infinity in the closing extra issue, or maybe I'm just a sucker for events? I'm sold to this right now. This cover was one that actually sold me on the title, and now I want to know how this come to be, or whats going on for this to be a thing. Hopefully this doesn't disappoint, but it probably will.

2. Iron Man #9 (Marvel Comics): With Iron Man 3 coming out in theaters this week, and here we get the start of a brand new story arc with Iron Man. We get his secret origin, what could this mean? I don't know? I'm burnt out on the idea of 'secret origins', whats the twist that his father ultimately had plans to make him rise to his potential the whole time? That Tony is the last son of an alien planet? Who cares? The title has been amazing so far since the Marvel now relaunch with Kieron Gillen took over the title. This has been the first time I've cared about the character so I'm pretty sold on seeing how this story plays out.

1. Thanos Rising #2 (Marvel Comics): I know I just gave a rant about secret origins, but holy hell did I ever love the first issue. Jason Aaron is just a writer that seems to do no wrong. He gives good dark and deep stories that also have humour and soul to them. The art too is just wonderful, and works so well with the story being told. This is a must read title for me, and I recommend it to everyone.

And just to give you guys a little more stuff to round out the blog this week. I spent the day reading the Adventure Time comics (Kaboom) and Prophet (Image) both of those are amazing and good reads. I highly recommend the pick up if can. Both titles have trades out now and are worth the grab.